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Англо-русский словарь - nuclear


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Перевод с английского языка nuclear на русский

test испытание ядерного оружия;
 1) ядерный; - nuclear energy - nuclear fallout - nuclear fission - nuclear fusion - nuclear fuel - nuclear physics - nuclear reactor - nuclear state - nuclear power - nuclear test - nuclear weapon - nuclear diplomacy - nuclear disarmament
 2) содержащий ядро
NUCLEAR armaments ядерные вооружения
NUCLEAR diplomacy ядерная дипломатия;
NUCLEAR disarmament отказ от применения ядерного оружия
NUCLEAR energy ядерная, атомная энергия, внутриядерная энергия;
NUCLEAR fallout радиоактивные осадки;
NUCLEAR fission ядерное деление;
NUCLEAR fuel ядерное горючее, ядерное топливо;
NUCLEAR fusion синтез, слияние ядер;
NUCLEAR holocaust ядерная катастрофа
NUCLEAR physics ядерная физика, физика атомного ядра;
NUCLEAR power государство, обладающее ядерным оружием;
NUCLEAR reactor ядерный реактор;
NUCLEAR state государство, обладающее ядерным оружием;
NUCLEAR weapon ядерное оружие;
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См. в других словарях

  1) ядерный, относящийся к ядру 2) содержащий ядро ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) машиностр. атомный 2) нуклеарный 3) ядерный 4) ячейковый breed nuclear fuel — воспроизводить ядерное топливо depletion of nuclear fuel — выгорание ядерного топлива free nuclear induction — ядерная свободная индукция nuclear bilinear form — ядерная билинейная форма nuclear fuel breeding — расширенное воспроизводство ядерное nuclear fuel conversion — воспроизводство ядерного топлива nuclear magnetic resonance — физ. резонанс магнитный ядерный nuclear model of atom — ядерная модель атома nuclear propulsion unit — космонавт. двигатель атомный nuclear quadrupole resonance — физ. резонанс квадрупольный ядерный nuclear radiation source — источник ядерного излучения nuclear steam-raising unit — констр. установка паропроизводная ядерная nuclear traversal time — ядерное время - nuclear alignment - nuclear battery - nuclear cell - nuclear charge - nuclear condensation - nuclear congruence - nuclear engine - nuclear engineer - nuclear engineering - nuclear explosion - nuclear fission - nuclear group - nuclear induction - nuclear isomer - nuclear isomerism - nuclear magnetism - nuclear magneton - nuclear mass - nuclear material - nuclear matter - nuclear operator - nuclear particle - nuclear physics - nuclear pile - nuclear plant - nuclear power - nuclear product - nuclear propulsion - nuclear pumping - nuclear quadric - nuclear radiation - nuclear reaction - nuclear reactor - nuclear recoil - nuclear representation - nuclear source - nuclear space - nuclear spin - nuclear subalgebra - nuclear subspace - nuclear transition - nuclear transmutation - nuclear warmonger ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 of, relating to, or constituting a nucleus. 2 using nuclear energy (nuclear reactor). 3 having nuclear weapons. Phrases and idioms nuclear bomb a bomb involving the release of energy by nuclear fission or fusion or both. nuclear disarmament the gradual or total reduction by a State of its nuclear weapons. nuclear energy energy obtained by nuclear fission or fusion. nuclear family a couple and their children, regarded as a basic social unit. nuclear fission a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously or on impact with another particle, with the release of energy. nuclear force a strong attractive force between nucleons in the atomic nucleus that holds the nucleus together. nuclear-free free from nuclear weapons, power, etc. nuclear fuel a substance that will sustain a fission chain reaction so that it can be used as a source of nuclear energy. nuclear fusion a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy. nuclear magnetic resonance the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a nucleus having a magnetic moment when in an external magnetic field, used mainly as an analytical technique and in body imaging for diagnosis. Usage Abbr.: NMR, nmr. nuclear physics the physics of atomic nuclei and their interactions, esp. in the generation of nuclear energy. nuclear power 1 electric or motive power generated by a nuclear reactor. 2 a country that has nuclear weapons. nuclear reactor a device in which a nuclear fission chain reaction is sustained and controlled in order to produce energy. nuclear umbrella supposed protection afforded by an alliance with a country possessing nuclear weapons. nuclear warfare warfare in which nuclear weapons are used. nuclear waste any radioactive waste material from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. nuclear winter obstruction of sunlight as a potential result of nuclear warfare, causing extreme cold. Etymology: NUCLEUS + -AR(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Date: 1846  1. of, relating to, or constituting a nucleus  2.  a. of or relating to the atomic nucleus ~ reaction ~ physics  b. used in or produced by a ~ reaction (as fission) ~ fuel ~ waste ~ energy  c.  (1) being a weapon whose destructive power derives from an uncontrolled ~ reaction  (2) of, produced by, or involving ~ weapons the ~ age ~ war  (3) armed with ~ weapons ~ powers  d. of, relating to, or powered by ~ energy a ~ submarine the ~ debate a ~ plant  3. crazy, berserk — usually used in the phrase go ~ Usage:  Though disapproved of by many, pronunciations ending in -ky?-l?r have been found in widespread use among educated speakers including scientists, lawyers, professors, congressmen, United States cabinet members, and at least two United States presidents and one vice president. While most common in the U.S., these pronunciations have also been heard from British and Canadian speakers. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Nuclear means relating to the nuclei of atoms, or to the energy released when these nuclei are split or combined. ...a nuclear power station. ...nuclear energy. ...nuclear physics. ADJ: ADJ n 2. Nuclear means relating to weapons that explode by using the energy released when the nuclei of atoms are split or combined. They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil. ...nuclear testing. = atomic ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 using or connected with nuclear energy  (a nuclear power station | a nuclear-powered submarine) 2 concerning the nucleus (1) of an atom  (nuclear fission) 3 connected with or involving the use of nuclear weapons  (nuclear bomb/war)  (the threat of nuclear war | nuclear tests (=for testing nuclear bombs) | nuclear disarmament (=getting rid of nuclear weapons) | the nuclear deterrent (=nuclear weapons used as a threat to stop an enemy attacking)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1846, from nucleus, probably by influence of Fr. nuclйaire. At first, "of or like the nucleus of a cell;" use in atomic physics is from 1914. Nuke, short for "nuclear weapon," is 1959, U.S. military slang; the verb is from 1962; the sense of "to cook in a microwave" is from 1987. Nuclear family is from 1949, originally a sociologists' term. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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